Vespa Support Levels

Need Vespa support? This document explains your options.

Free community support

All users of Vespa are encouraged to use our Slack to ask questions and Github issues to report issues.

Paid support

Vespa Cloud allows you to select a support level that matches the needs of your business.

Basic Commercial Enterprise
Pro-active detection and remediation Included Included Included
Number of support cases Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Response times Level 1: Production service availability Next business day 1 hour 24/7 15 minutes 24/7
Level 2: Deployment service availability Next business day Next business day 1 hour 24/7
Level 3: Other Next 2 business days Next 2 business days Next business day
Named support representative - - Included*
Tune-up program participation - - Included
Dedicated Slack channel - - Included*
On-site visits - - Included*

*) Requires minimum $20,000 spend per month.