Instance, region, cloud and environment variants

Some times it is useful to create config that varies depending on properties of the deployment, for example to set region specific endpoints of services used by Searchers, or use smaller clusters for a "beta" instance.

This is supported both for services.xml and query profiles.

services.xml variants

services.xml files support different configuration settings for different tags, instances, environments, clouds and regions. To use this you must import the deploy namespace:

<services version="1.0" xmlns:deploy="vespa">
Deploy directives are used to specify with which tags, and in which instance, environment, cloud and/or region an XML element should be included:
<content version="1.0">
    <document type="" mode="index" />
  <nodes deploy:environment="dev" count="1" />
  <nodes deploy:environment="prod" deploy:region="aws-us-east-1c" count="20" />
  <nodes deploy:cloud="gcp" count="10" />
  <nodes deploy:environment="prod" deploy:region="aws-ap-northeast-1a" count="40" />
  <nodes deploy:environment="prod" deploy:region="aws-ap-northeast-1a" deploy:instance="alpha" count="4" />
  <nodes deploy:tags="myTag1 myTag2"> count="8" />
This example configures a different node count depending on the deployment target. Deploying the application in the dev environment gives:
<content version="1.0">
    <document type="" mode="index" />
  <nodes count="1" />
Whereas in it is:
<content version="1.0">
    <document type="" mode="index" />
  <nodes count="60" />

This can be used to modify any config by deployment target.

The deploy directives have a set of override rules:

Some overrides are applied by default in some environments, see environments. Any override made explicitly for an environment will override the defaults for it.

Specifying multiple targets

More than one tag, instance, region or environment can be specified in the attribute, separated by space.

Note that tags by default only apply in production instances, and are matched whenever the tags of the element and the tags of the instance intersect. To match tags in other environments, an explicit deploy:environment directive for that environment must also match. Use tags if you have a complex instance structure which you want config to vary by.

The namespace can be applied to any element. Example:

<container id="default" version="1.0" deploy:environment="perf test staging prod">
    <chain id="default" inherits="vespa">
      <searcher bundle="basic-application" id="">
        <config name="example.message">
          <message>Hello from application config</message>
          <message deploy:region="aws-us-east-1c">Hello from east colo!</message>

Above, the container element is configured for the 4 environments only (it will not apply to dev) - and in region aws-us-east-1c, the config is different.

Query profile variants

Query profiles support different configuration settings for different instances, environments and regions through query profile variants. This allows you to set different query parameters for a query type depending on these deployment attributes.

To use this feature, create a regular query profile variant with any of instance, environment and region as dimension names and let your query profile vary by that. For example:

<query-profile id="default">

    <dimensions>instance, environment, region</dimensions>

    <field name="a">My default value</field>

    <!-- Value for (any deployment of) the beta instance -->
    <query-profile for="beta">
        <field name="a">My beta value</field>

    <!-- Value for (any) dev deployment -->
    <query-profile for="*, dev">
        <field name="a">My dev value</field>

    <!-- Value for the default instance in prod -->
    <query-profile for="default, prod">
        <field name="a">My main instance prod value</field>


You can pick and combine these dimensions in any way you want with other dimensions sent as query parameters, e.g:

  <dimensions>device, instance, usecase</dimensions>