Architecture for Vespa Cloud Enclave in GCP


Each Enclave in the tenant GCP project corresponds to a Vespa Cloud zone. Inside the tenant GCP project one Enclave is contained within one single VPC.

Enclave architecture

Compute Instances, Load Balancers, and Cloud Storage buckets

Configuration Servers inside the Vespa Cloud zone makes the decision to create or destroy compute instances (“Vespa Hosts” in diagram) based on the Vespa applications that are deployed. The Configuration Servers also set up the Network Load Balancers needed to communicate with the deployed Vespa application.

Each Vespa Host will periodically sync its logs to a Cloud Storage bucket (“Log Archive”). This bucket is “local” to the Enclave and provisioned by the Terraform module inside the tenant’s GCP project.


The Enclave VPC is very network restricted. Vespa Hosts do not have public IPv4 addresses and there is no NAT gateway available in the VPC. Vespa Hosts have public IPv6 addresses and are able to make outbound connections. Inbound connections are not allowed. Outbound IPv6 connections are used to bootstrap communication with the Configuration Servers, and to report operational metrics back to Vespa Cloud.

When a Vespa Host is booted it will set up an encrypted tunnel back to the Configuration Servers. All communication between Configuration Servers and the Vespa Hosts will be run over this tunnel after it is set up.


The Vespa Cloud operations team does not have any direct access to the resources that is part of the customer account. The only possible access is through the management APIs needed to run Vespa itself. In case it is needed for, e.g. incident debugging, direct access can only be granted to the Vespa team by the tenant itself. Enabling direct access is done by setting the enable_ssh input to true in the enclave module. For further details, see the documentation for the enclave module inputs.

All communication between the Enclave and the Vespa Cloud configuration servers is encrypted, authenticated and authorized using mTLS with identities embedded in the certificate. mTLS communication is facilitated with the Athenz service.

All data stored is encrypted at rest using Cloud Key Management. All keys are managed by the tenant in the tenant’s GCP project.

The resources provisioned in the tenant GCP project is either provisioned by the Terraform module executed by the tenant, or by the orchestration services inside a Vespa Cloud zone.

Resources are provisioned by the Vespa Cloud configuration servers, using the vespa_cloud_provisioner_role IAM role defined in the Terraform module.

The tenant that registered the GCP project is the only tenant that can deploy applications targeting the Enclave.

For more general information about security in Vespa Cloud, see the whitepaper.